The Dryer Vent Squad’s Step-by-Step Instructions for Effective Dryer Vent Maintenance

By Trent Iley, OwnerDryer Vent Squad A Guide to Cleaning Your Dryer Vent Effectively is essential for home safety and appliance efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to ensure your dryer operates safely and at its best. Learn how to prevent lint build-up, reduce fire hazards, and extend the life of … Continue reading The Dryer Vent Squad’s Step-by-Step Instructions for Effective Dryer Vent Maintenance

Embrace the Sunshine: Summer Interior Window Treatments to Lighten Up Your Space

By John Akins, ShadeCraft LLC As the sun dances high in the sky and warm breezes whisper through open windows, summer invites us to embrace the vibrant energy of the season. When it comes to interior design, selecting the right window treatments can enhance the summer ambiance, allowing sunlight to illuminate your space while maintaining … Continue reading Embrace the Sunshine: Summer Interior Window Treatments to Lighten Up Your Space

Don’t Let House Hunting Be Overwhelming

By Darin Windham, RealtorKeyfinders Group RE/Max Alliance House-hunting can be overwhelming for first-time and seasoned homebuyers alike. That’s why it’s important to address their questions early on in your relationship. Here are four topics to share with your new clients: 1. Explain why research is essential.Advise your clients to decide what's most important to them … Continue reading Don’t Let House Hunting Be Overwhelming

A Few Tips For Safe Summer Swimming

By Rontario "Ron" HicksPool Scouts of Huntsville  What better way to keep your family safe than to learn a few tips?  Just know that your friends at Pool Scouts have your safety in mind. Pool Scouts of Huntsville understand the importance of safety for family and fun.  Rocket City has welcomed Pool Scouts of Huntsville … Continue reading A Few Tips For Safe Summer Swimming

Finding a Roofing Contractor you can trust….

By Carl HopperHopper Roofing and Remodeling Finding a good roofer/contractor is like finding a good mechanic you can trust; it’s not easy! Finding an honest, trustworthy company is one thing; affordability and reliability is another. Some companies are too big for their britches which makes it easy for potential customers to get lost in all … Continue reading Finding a Roofing Contractor you can trust….

Navigating Home Insurance: Understanding Your Policy

By Todd PowersAlfa Insurance Congratulations on acquiring the home of your dreams! Now that you've made this significant investment, it's crucial to safeguard it effectively. Understanding your homeowner's insurance policy is the first step in ensuring comprehensive protection for both your property and belongings. Let's delve into the essentials of your policy and explore how … Continue reading Navigating Home Insurance: Understanding Your Policy

Our Journey To “The Moon”

By Kim DavisSteady For Life The year was 2011, when four friends sat around a table and began dreaming about a program that would help our older friends who were being challenged by balance issues, osteoporosis, arthritis, and in some cases, isolation. We studied what the Center for Disease Control had to say on these … Continue reading Our Journey To “The Moon”

HAPPI Health: Adult Medicine

By Adilene GuzmanCommunity Outreach CoordinatorHappi Health When people see our logo repeatedly, they assume we are either a dentist's office or a pediatrician. Yes, we specialize in pediatrics but also in adult medicine, behavioral health, urgent care, and a Hispanic clinic. We do it all except for dental. The adults in our community must know … Continue reading HAPPI Health: Adult Medicine

Hearing Health Matters: Linking Hearing Loss and the Brain

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT Associates LinkedIn is a networking site for professionals to connect, collaborate, share and learn. “The mission of LinkedIn is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful”. Networking includes looking for new opportunities to grow and learn, developing relationships with other … Continue reading Hearing Health Matters: Linking Hearing Loss and the Brain

How Long is Too Long to Deal with an Injury Before Asking for Help?

By Dylan Glass PT, DPT, SMTCReturn 2 Sport PT & Performance When you’re constantly active and pushing your limits, pain can sometimes feel like just another part of the process. However, distinguishing between minor aches and serious injuries is crucial to maintaining your health, performance, and longevity in your sport. Understanding the right time to … Continue reading How Long is Too Long to Deal with an Injury Before Asking for Help?