Hearing Health Matters: Diabetes and Hearing Loss

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT Associates “When we arrive on this earth we are endowed with the most perfect, the most efficient, and the best constructed machine ever devised – our body.“—Alton Ochsner, MD Our bodies are designed to function like a machine with the brain (control center) activating motors … Continue reading Hearing Health Matters: Diabetes and Hearing Loss

Hearing Health – Audition: The Power of Hearing

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT AssociatesWe have five senses that allow us to interact with the world around us. The ability to hear, touch, see, taste, and smell are hard wired into your nervous system to gather and send information to your brain for interpretation. Each of the peripheral nervous … Continue reading Hearing Health – Audition: The Power of Hearing

Hearing Health: Dear Non-Working Ears

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing Center In John Donne’s book “Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions”, Meditation XVII states “No man is an island, Entire of itself”. This famous passage is about the interconnectedness of people. No person is separate and isolated from the rest. We need each other and we are stronger and better … Continue reading Hearing Health: Dear Non-Working Ears

Love Letters—From My H ear t to Your Ears—The Sequel

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT Associates Valentine’s Day is a time to express love. Couples show affection and love to their partners with gifts, experiences, and special treatment. Cards and letters declare affection and love. Remember falling in love with that special “One”? It begins with a glance; a spoken … Continue reading Love Letters—From My H ear t to Your Ears—The Sequel

2024 Resolution: Happy New YOU?

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A Audiologist, Physicians Hearing Center (New Year's resolution: a promise to yourself or decision to do something, especially to improve one's behavior or lifestyle in some way, during the year ahead.) The Babylonians are credited with starting the tradition of New Year resolutions over 4000 years ago. In circa 46 B.C., Julius Caesar … Continue reading 2024 Resolution: Happy New YOU?

Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong – Christmas Bells are Ringing… and so are My Ears.

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A Audiologist, Physicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT Tinnitus ˈti-nə-təs  tə-ˈnī-təs  ) \ n. [L., tinnire to ring]: a sensation of noise (such as a ringing or roaring) that is typically caused by a bodily condition (such as a disturbance of the auditory nerve or wax in the ear) and usually is of the subjective … Continue reading Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong – Christmas Bells are Ringing… and so are My Ears.

“And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air”

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing CenterNorth Alabama ENT Associates On July 4, 1776 a young America declared independence from rule by Great Britain. Britain’s defeat at the 1781 Battle of Yorktown marked the conclusion of the American Revolution. Challenges and conflict arise and on June 18, 1812 Congress declared war on Great Britain. … Continue reading “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air”

Hearing Health: Hearing Loss and Coexisting Health Conditions

“When we arrive on this earth we are endowed with the most perfect, the most efficient, and the best constructed machine ever devised – our body. A machine beautifully engineered and constructed with the best materials with no planned obsolescence. Almost all bodies are constructed with material of superb quality destined with proper use to … Continue reading Hearing Health: Hearing Loss and Coexisting Health Conditions

Brain Neighbors—Showcasing Your Community

By Anita Giles, MSCCC-A AudiologistPhysicians Hearing Center Community can be defined as a group of people with shared interests and/or by the strength of the connections among them. South Huntsville Neighbors is a magazine designed for “Showcasing Our Community.” Many different facets of community are discussed in each edition, including a featured “resident”. This month, … Continue reading Brain Neighbors—Showcasing Your Community

April Showers Bring May Flowers! May: Better Speech & Hearing Month

By Anita Giles MS, CCC-A Audiologist,Physicians Hearing CenterHave you ever heard of May baskets? In the 1800s, Louisa May Alcott wrote about May Basket Day. In the 1920s, some bold children left a May basket on the White House door for First Lady Grace Coolidge. The May Basket tradition involves leaving a paper basket containing … Continue reading April Showers Bring May Flowers! May: Better Speech & Hearing Month