I Have Your Back and You Have Mine – Right?

By Major General U.S. Army (RET) Paulette RisherPresident/CEO, Still Serving Veterans The expression “I have your back” is commonly used in the Veteran community and beyond. Apparently, the expression heralds back to the time when warriors fighting with swords literally stood back-to-back in mutual support and protection. However, for me, I like the powerful metaphor … Continue reading I Have Your Back and You Have Mine – Right?

Discussing Veteran Health Concerns & Accessibility

By Taneia Surles, MPHCommunity Outreach CoordinatorVeteran healthcare is offered through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for health concerns like disability, service-related injuries, and ailments, with no added costs at a veteran’s hospital. However, veterans can experience other issues after service that aren’t always treated or covered at veteran hospitals. An overlooked issue is … Continue reading Discussing Veteran Health Concerns & Accessibility