Spring Into the First Meeting with An Estate Planning Attorney

By Tanya Hendrix
Estate Planning Attorney

You know you need to do it, but the thought of doing your estate plan is overwhelming, isn’t it? Where do you even begin? What will it cost? You assume the estate planning lawyer will need a lot of documents and paperwork that you don’t have time to gather. And the thought of talking to a lawyer about your estate plan may be scary and mysterious.

If you’ve never met with an estate planning attorney – or any attorney – you likely have no idea what to expect in that first meeting. To demystify this process, I will explain what you can expect at the initial consultation.

Understand the Purpose
The first meeting is an opportunity for you to discuss your goals and objectives with your estate planning lawyer. What are your priorities? What legacy do you want to leave behind? It’s not a test or an interrogation; it’s the start of a collaborative effort to create a plan that aligns with your unique needs.

You may not have all the answers, and that’s okay. Don’t fear ridicule or shame or that you are wasting time. That first meeting with an estate planning lawyer is a crucial first step, even if a baby step, to reaching your goal of securing your family’s future.

Open Communication
Your lawyer is there to help, not judge. Be open and honest about your financial situation, family dynamics, and concerns. Do you have an illegitimate child you don’t acknowledge? Are you estranged from a child? Tell your lawyer! Lawyers must have all the facts to prepare your estate plan correctly to ensure your goals and wishes are honored. Worried about the cost? Discuss the lawyer’s fee structure openly. Understanding the costs associated with their services will help you plan accordingly.

At the initial meeting, you’ll discuss who you want to include as beneficiaries of your estate and who you want to be executor and guardian of minors. If you are undecided on these, the attorney can walk you through options and offer advice. Don’t let this indecision stop you from making that initial appointment.

You’ll be asked about your assets, liabilities, and income sources. This information helps the attorney create a comprehensive plan that protects your interests. Make a list of your assets, including real estate, investments, bank accounts, and retirement. Don’t get hung up on making this list to the point of paralysis before you even schedule that first meeting. Depending on the lawyer you choose, a general understanding of what you have is sufficient for that first meeting.

Estate Planning Lawyer Huntsville
The first meeting with an estate planning attorney is an opportunity to take control of your future and create a plan that reflects your values. Approach it with an open mind, define your objectives, and be transparent about your situation so that you can work collaboratively with your lawyer to secure your legacy. This partnership aims to ensure your wishes are honored, and your loved ones are provided for.

It’s more important that you take that initial step to prepare for your future than you know all the answers. So, it’s time to spring into that first meeting with an estate planning attorney for a brighter and more secure future.

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