How Long is Too Long to Deal with an Injury Before Asking for Help?

By Dylan Glass PT, DPT, SMTCReturn 2 Sport PT & Performance When you’re constantly active and pushing your limits, pain can sometimes feel like just another part of the process. However, distinguishing between minor aches and serious injuries is crucial to maintaining your health, performance, and longevity in your sport. Understanding the right time to … Continue reading How Long is Too Long to Deal with an Injury Before Asking for Help?

Fighting Through Nagging Injuries While Training

by Dylan Glass, PT, DPT, SMTCReturn 2 Sport Pt & PerformanceSometimes we encounter the small injuries that you can’t really call an injury, but they do impede progress. They are an obstacle in the grand scheme of things, and could very well become a problem, but with a little rest and the right treatment they … Continue reading Fighting Through Nagging Injuries While Training