Keeping your HVAC Unit In Great Shape: Use a Maintenance Plan

By Terry Ogle
Talent Heating and Air Conditioning

During normal cooling system operation, dust, dirt, moisture from humidity or condensation, and microbial growths can build up on critical components like the evaporator or blower housing. Left unchecked, these issues can lead to loss of efficiency and worse, breakdown of component materials and a shorter life.

In addition to regular AC tune ups, it is also recommended to schedule an annual tune up for heating systems too. Properly maintaining both units of your heating and cooling system can help prolong the life of your entire system.

While most average homeowners can handle simple air filter cleaning or replacing, calling Talent Heating and Air Conditioning for regular air conditioning system tune-ups can help ensure reliability, longevity, and in some cases prevent larger issues from developing. We will open up the outdoor and indoor units, do a more extensive cleaning of vital components, check cooling temperatures, and look for other signs of potential issues that could lead to trouble down the road.

AC tune up costs are relatively low considering the benefits. Not only can this annual maintenance help with optimizing the energy efficiency of your system but it can help prevent bigger, more expensive issues down the road.

When you call Talent Heating and Air Conditioning to schedule an air conditioner maintenance service, they can give you a good estimate of how long the appointment should last. Depending on the tech and how detailed their service routine is, expect a typical clean and check to last about an hour. If the service tech finds an issue that needs to be addressed, it may take longer, especially if they need to order a replacement part that’s not already on the truck.

We have a Family Plan which serves as our maintenance agreement, outside of regular maintenance twice a year; it also includes a 10% discount on repairs, reduced dispatch fees, and a hefty discount on unit replacement.

During a routine maintenance service call, your tech will likely evaluate air conditioner system performance in various modes of operation to determine its condition and evaluate whether repairs or adjustments are needed. Then they will shut off electrical power to execute a number of cleaning and inspection tasks.

Maintenance from Talent Heating and Air Conditioning includes:
• Check refrigerant charge levels and air flow, check for refrigerant leaks
• Make sure all electrical connections are sound and components are working properly
• Check for secure physical connections of individual parts
• Check the run capacitor for bulging and/or unusual markings or color
• Check and clean outdoor condenser coil
• Check indoor evaporator coil for blockage and apply self-rinsing cleaner when possible
• Check and clean the condensate drainage system
• Clean and adjust blower components
• Check the air filter, and replace or clean, if needed

When the service is complete, Talent Heating and Air Conditioning will present a summary of the inspections and tests completed along with results and recommendations that will be emailed to you for your records. In some cases, needed repairs may be able to be provided on the spot or same day. Be Sure to Ask for Thomas or Curtis.

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