How Prismatic Cleaning Services Can Make Your Windows and Home Sparkle Like Never Before

By Zachary Singleton

Prismatic Cleaning Services

If you’re looking for a professional and reliable window cleaning service in Huntsville, look no further than Prismatic Cleaning Services. We believe the quality of our work makes us the best choice for your window and other cleaning needs. But why do we believe that and how can you get a free estimate today?

We offer a number of services, but window cleaning is a customer favorite so we’ll focus on our process for that.

What sets us apart from the competition is our attention to detail. In addition to cleaning the glass of your windows inside and out we will also remove and clean any window screens you may have and reinstall them when we’re done. While we’re at it we make sure to thoroughly clean out your window tracks and touch up the frames and sills where they’re dirty. Our aim is to clean every part of your windows that you don’t want to deal with.

We generally start inside—beginning on the upper floor of your home if you have more than one story—cleaning in a clockwise fashion one window at a time. If there is a screen, we’ll remove that first, and then clean out the track using a brush, portable vacuum, and towel as needed. We’ll touch up the interior frame and sill, then proceed to cleaning the inside surface of the glass itself with a mild soap mixture and squeegee. 
We wear shoe-covers to protect your floors at all times while working inside your home and utilize techniques and equipment to eliminate or minimize any drips, such as low-mist spray bottles for our soap mixture and laying towels down while cleaning.

Once we’ve finished inside, we’ll take your screens outside to be cleaned using our screen cleaner machine. After that we’ll set them aside to dry while we clean your window exteriors. When it comes to the exterior of your home, we are equipped to clean even challenging to reach windows. We utilize water-fed pole systems or ladders—whichever makes the most sense—to reach and clean your windows while prioritizing safety for both us and your property.

Once the outsides of your windows are all sparkling clean, we then return inside to reinstall your screens and inspect and touch up any spots or areas we may have missed. After a final walk around to ensure you’re thrilled you can pay by card, cash, or check; whatever is most convenient for you.

So if you’re considering having your windows cleaned this spring give us a call!

We offer convenient and reasonable estimates. In most cases we can give you a definite price over the phone or at least a price range based on factors such as the number and type of windows you have and how many floors your home has. And if you would prefer us to come out and give you an in-person estimate we’re happy to arrange that as well at no charge.

Don’t forget we offer additional cleaning services as well. Ask us about having your gutters cleaned, high ceilings dusted, or other cleaning needs you may have. We would love the opportunity to work with you and make your home sparkle!

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