By Darin Windham, Realtor
Keyfinders Group RE/Max Alliance

Here’s what I mean… Our days are busy. A lot of them consist of just getting through our to do list, getting the kids fed, bathed, and put to bed and maybe squeezing in 5 minutes to ourselves before making lunches, and cleaning up the kitchen before going to bed.

But don’t miss little opportunities to love your home in the midst of the busy. Below are some simple ideas!

• Have a Clear and Organized Space: It is so true that a cluttered space creates a cluttered mind. In turn, a cluttered mind leads to overwhelm and stress.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed there is no way you’re going to feel at peace and love your home. Studies have shown that a clearly organized room is good for you.  Instead of feeling discontent, it creates a feeling of satisfaction. When you keep things clean and organized, the feeling of your home becomes restorative and restful. On the other hand, a space filled with clutter and unfinished products actually create depression and fatigue. To truly love your home, take the time to clear your space.

Add a new piece of furniture: Freshen up a room that feels like it’s missing something. You could also shop your home and swap a piece from another room that better fits the space you want to finish. Do you need a comfy chair for reading by the fireplace, a bookshelf to store the stacks of books scattered around your living room, a plant to add life to your space? Just fill in what’s missing.

Go all out for dinner! Plate your meals, use your serving dishes, set the table, sit at the table (not in front of the TV), light some candles, turn up the ambiance with a chill background playlist, and take your time eating.

Use Décor Colors that make you happy: We already know about the impact our environment can have on our mood. This includes the colors in our home. According to an article in Country Living “The 5 Paint Colors That Will Make You Happiest” the shades of paint on your walls can bring you down, help you relax even suppress your appetite amongst a few other feelings. So, when you’re looking to love your home again, focus on how you feel around certain colors and how you can incorporate them into your home. 

Go to Pinterest or pick up a decor magazine and pay attention to what colors catch your eye, then start adding them to your home.

Make it a routine to set the scene: Think of the little things. Create a beautiful ambience by adding some soft lighting. Light the candle while you’re watching your favorite show before bed, diffuse some lavender oil and hang eucalyptus in the shower, turn on a good playlist or podcast while you do the dishes or clean the house. Bring good vibes to whatever it is you’re doing at home with the little things.

There is no need to wait for your dream home………you deserve to have a home that you love right now!
Darin can be contacted at 256-652-9032 or

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