The Huntsville Police Department and The Military

By Chief Kirk GilesHuntsville Police Department Veterans Day is an important time to recognize the remarkable service of our military personnel. Beyond their selfless dedication to our nation's defense, many veterans also serve in a different capacity. The Huntsville Police Department has 161 sworn and civilian personnel who have served or continue to serve our … Continue reading The Huntsville Police Department and The Military

Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

By Richard LandoltCEO and President Still Serving Veterans "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" -- Winston ChurchillHonoring veterans is a fundamental duty of our nation; these courageous individuals, who have selflessly served their countries in times of both war and peace, epitomize the essence … Continue reading Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

Let’s Talk about Veterans Day and Its Importance

By David Little, Huntsville City CouncilRepresentative, District 2 Huntsville is a veteran-rich community – one we welcome with open arms as we reflect on the sacrifices they’ve made and continue to make to protect our democracy. With November quickly approaching there has never been a better time to talk about Veterans Day and its importance. … Continue reading Let’s Talk about Veterans Day and Its Importance