Mercedes-Benz of Huntsville: Meet Greg Horton and Dan Proctor, Veterans and Sales Consultants

By Bob DruckmanPublisher South Huntsville NeighborsGreg and Dan are both veterans and sales consultants at Mercedes–Benz of Huntsville. In honor of Veterans Day we are featuring both of them in this month’s article. Dan Proctor Greg Horton What branch of the service were you affiliated with?Greg: U.S. ArmyDan: U.S. ArmyWhy did you join?Greg: I joined … Continue reading Mercedes-Benz of Huntsville: Meet Greg Horton and Dan Proctor, Veterans and Sales Consultants

Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

By Richard LandoltCEO and President Still Serving Veterans "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" -- Winston ChurchillHonoring veterans is a fundamental duty of our nation; these courageous individuals, who have selflessly served their countries in times of both war and peace, epitomize the essence … Continue reading Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty