Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

By Richard LandoltCEO and President Still Serving Veterans "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" -- Winston ChurchillHonoring veterans is a fundamental duty of our nation; these courageous individuals, who have selflessly served their countries in times of both war and peace, epitomize the essence … Continue reading Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

Meet Rear Admiral (RET) Richard “Rich” Landolt New CEO Still Serving Veterans (SSV)

By Bob DruckmanPublisherSouth Huntsville NeighborsOn April 1st Rear Admiral (Retired) Richard “Rich” Landolt assumed responsibilities of Still Serving Veterans (SSV) from Paulette Risher, Major General (Retired) US Army. Paulette is stepping back from her role after more than 11 years of compassionate mentoring leadership at Still Serving Veterans (SSV) in the roles of CEO, Chief … Continue reading Meet Rear Admiral (RET) Richard “Rich” Landolt New CEO Still Serving Veterans (SSV)