The Dryer Vent Squad’s Step-by-Step Instructions for Effective Dryer Vent Maintenance

By Trent Iley, OwnerDryer Vent Squad A Guide to Cleaning Your Dryer Vent Effectively is essential for home safety and appliance efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to ensure your dryer operates safely and at its best. Learn how to prevent lint build-up, reduce fire hazards, and extend the life of … Continue reading The Dryer Vent Squad’s Step-by-Step Instructions for Effective Dryer Vent Maintenance

Keeping your HVAC Unit In Great Shape: Use a Maintenance Plan

By Terry OgleTalent Heating and Air ConditioningDuring normal cooling system operation, dust, dirt, moisture from humidity or condensation, and microbial growths can build up on critical components like the evaporator or blower housing. Left unchecked, these issues can lead to loss of efficiency and worse, breakdown of component materials and a shorter life.In addition to … Continue reading Keeping your HVAC Unit In Great Shape: Use a Maintenance Plan


By Trent Iley, OwnerDryer Vent SquadLet’s imagine It’s July in Alabama and it’s hot.  The hot, humid air from drying your clothes moves from the dryer to the outside your south Huntsville home through your dryer vent hose and pipe. Over time, lint builds up in the pipes and can stay in the house increasing … Continue reading 5 SIGNS TO SERVICE YOUR DRYER VENT

Thank You For Our Growth!

By Buddy Wachter Muddy Buddy’s PlumbingHappy New Year, Huntsville! 2023 has been our largest, most successful year yet and we are hoping 2024 bring more prosperity! We are thankful for our customers who have spread the word about our company to friends, family, and neighbors. It's true that word of mouth can be a powerful … Continue reading Thank You For Our Growth!