Navigating a Broken Garage Door Spring

By Tammy Warren, Co-Owner
Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™

A sudden loud noise echoing from your garage often heralds the unwelcome news of a broken garage door spring. This critical component, responsible for the smooth and safe operation of your garage door, can fail for various reasons, causing inconvenience and potential safety hazards.

Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™, established in 1968, provides insight into the reasons, signs, and ways to prevent garage door spring failures, aiming to give homeowners the knowledge they need to anticipate and manage future issues. While preventing spring failures entirely is not possible, understanding them and implementing proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of a spring.

Understanding Garage Door Spring Failures
Although garage door springs are durable, these springs are subject to a limited lifespan and can fail for several reasons:
Excessive Tension: Springs can withstand a certain amount of stress, but overstretching them can cause weakening and eventual breakage.
Wear and Tear: Continuous use gradually wears down the springs, ultimately resulting in their failure.
Temperature Fluctuations: Temperature changes can make springs expand and contract, which may weaken their overall structure.
Corrosion: Springs can rust when exposed to moisture, compromising their strength and durability.
Sudden Impact or Force: Direct impacts or forceful events can instantly break the springs.
Improper Installation: Incorrectly installed springs or those unsuitable for the door’s weight are more likely to fail prematurely.

Symptoms of a Broken Spring
Recognizing the signs of a failing spring early can prevent further damage:
• A loud noise often indicates the spring has broken.
• Visible gaps in the spring coil are present.
• There is difficulty opening the door.
• The door falls too quickly.
• There is uneven lifting of the door.
• The door jerks during operation.

Immediate Steps for Safety
If you suspect a broken spring:
Avoid manual operation or using the electric opener, which can exacerbate the problem and lead to injuries.
• Stop using the garage door immediately. Do not try to open. 
• Disconnect the garage door opener to prevent use.
• Do not attempt to open or close the door manually.
• Contact a professional garage door repair service.
• Keep children and pets away from the garage door area.
• Avoid trying to repair or replace the spring yourself.

Preventive Measures
Prevention is critical to avoid unexpected spring failures:
• Conduct regular maintenance checks for signs of wear or damage.
• Lubricate the springs annually with silicone or lithium-based sprays.
• Ensure your garage is well-insulated to protect against extreme temperatures.
• Install weather stripping around the door to maintain a stable environment.
• Have your door and springs inspected by professionals to ensure they are correctly balanced and functioning.

Continued Education and Engagement
Engaging with knowledgeable professionals and educating oneself about maintenance can prevent common issues and extend the life of your garage door operating system. The Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™ offers resources and services designed to educate and assist homeowners in this essential aspect of home care.

Explore our free resources, including guides, tips, and articles, under the “Helpful Information” section.

Our expertise and dedication make us more than just providers; we’re partners in maintaining your garage door’s durability and safety. Taking proactive steps is crucial in preventing failures.

For expert service and advice, contact us. Our experienced team is ready to ensure your garage door’s safety and functionality. Call 256-772-3674

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