Guided by Faith – Meet the Cipollari Family

By Jamie and Valter Cipollari
as told to Bob Druckman, Publisher
South Huntsville Neighbors

Tell us about your family?
My wife, Jamie, and I have been married for 26 years. Jamie was born and raised here in North Alabama.  I was born in Ohio and first-generation Brazilian-American.  My parents moved to North Alabama when I was 10 and I have called this area home ever since.  

Jamie and I have three daughters, Elianah (21), Hannah (14), and Amelia (12).  We also have a precious granddaughter, Emmie (2).  We call my wife the “domestic engineer.”  She had a career in Occupational Therapy but chose to be a stay-at-home to raise our girls.  

During COVID, we decided to homeschool the two youngest, and what a blessing that has been.  Our oldest daughter has a life of her own now and is busy raising her daughter.  Our two youngest are very involved in extra-curricular activities:  Hannah is a ballerina and dances with the Alabama Youth Ballet Theatre Company.  She has been dancing since she was 3 years old and would love to be a professional ballerina.  Amelia plays the piano and swims with the Decatur Sharks swim team.   

How did you meet your wife?
Glad you asked.  Ironically, we met for the first time at K-Mart where I was working, through a mutual friend. Neither of us thought anything else about it until a few years later when we were introduced at a concert a second time but through my sister.  We were young and college-bound.  I headed to the University of South Alabama and Jamie to UAH.  We remained friends over the years and kept in touch.  Once we graduated, life brought us back together and the rest is history. 

What is the family’s favorite vacation spot?
That’s a tough question!  There are lots of places we enjoy vacationing.  If you asked each one of our family members they’d all say something different.  Our youngest loves the mountains, while our middle is a beach-goer.  However, one of my and Jamie’s as well as our girls’ favorite vacation spots is Sanibel and Captiva Island.  We love the peacefulness of the islands, the laid-back beach vibes, and seashell hunting.  

How did you decide to become a physical therapist?
I knew I wanted a career focused on helping others.  I considered becoming a doctor but I didn’t know what area I wanted to practice in, so I decided to take a semester off from college to give myself some time to explore careers and figure out what I wanted to do.  I was visiting family in Brazil, and my cousin was in therapy school.  While there, I visited the campus and sat in on some of her classes; I was specifically intrigued by the anatomy class and the cadavers they were studying.  Once I returned home and began doing the required physical therapy volunteer work required for admission to the program, I knew that becoming a physical therapist was exactly what I wanted to do. 

What motivated you to start your own company?
COVID 2020 was a horrible time, but it was also a good time for contemplation, which led me to start American Mobile Physical Therapy.  The idea was born out of necessity for those who did not want to risk exposure to COVID in a clinical setting.  But to further my motivation, in the therapy world, oftentimes a PT assesses or evaluates a patient, the patient is then assigned to a physical therapist assistant and the PT doesn’t see the patient again until discharge.  I wanted to remain hands-on with my clients and give them continuity of care.  In some of my previous jobs, patients would request that they be put on my caseload, yet unfortunately, those requests couldn’t always be granted due to corporate policies.  

Where is your favorite place to dine in Huntsville?
Bob!  These are some tough questions!  You can’t expect us to pick just one place.  

When we eat out, with our children, it tends to be places such as Taco Mama or Jason’s Deli (who can resist free ice cream?).  As for Jamie and me, we love Mazzara’s Vinoteca and Char.

Tell us about the hobbies/church affiliations/volunteer work that you and your family participate in?
One of my hobbies is working outside, gardening specifically, whether it’s planting a seasonal vegetable garden or working in the flowerbeds.  Jamie jokes and says I can make a stick grow leaves.  She also tells me to stop rescuing plants that have been clearanced at Home Depot and Lowes.  

I am also a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Jamie is busy shuttling our girls to the places they need to be on a near-daily basis, but when she finds the time she likes to bake and scrapbook.  She is also on the Board of Directors with the Alabama Youth Ballet Theatre where our 13-year-old dances as a company member. 

Tell us three people living or not that you would like to meet?
Mother Teresa, Ronald Reagan, or any of our past ancestors.  

Who/what has been the biggest influence on your life?  Your wife’s?
As we discussed this question we both agreed that first and foremost our faith has guided us to where we are today.  Outside of our faith, it is impossible to choose just one person or thing/event that has influenced our lives the most. It really all boils down to what season of life we’ve been in.  We’ve both experienced many things that have had major impacts on our lives and we’ve each had the privilege of meeting people who have also had a big influence on us, whether it has been teachers, colleagues, our parents, or even each other.  

What message would you like to send to the readers of South Huntsville Neighbors?
I have been working as a physical therapist for over 30 years and have vast experience in outpatient therapy, as well as sports medicine, and home health settings.    

My goal is to help each and every client reach his/her full potential and achieve maximum results.  I treat every patient with kindness and compassion, and in a way that I would want my own family to be treated.  

It has been a privilege to work with the people of South Huntsville in providing their therapy needs.  There has never been an easier or more convenient way to receive physical therapy services than to receive personalized treatments in the privacy of your home or the location of your choosing.  We’ve taken the old-fashioned house call and modernized it to fit our patients’ way of life making it all about convenience and comfort for the clients we serve.  Our goals for 2024 and beyond are to continue to build strong, personal relationships with the residents of South Huntsville.  

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