Honoring Veterans – A Fundamental Duty

By Richard Landolt
CEO and President
Still Serving Veterans

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” — Winston Churchill
Honoring veterans is a fundamental duty of our nation; these courageous individuals, who have selflessly served their countries in times of both war and peace, epitomize the essence of giving. Veterans Day serves as an occasion to convey our gratitude, respect, and acknowledgment for their invaluable service. Here, we explore the importance of honoring veterans and offer ways to show appreciation for their dedication.

The Sacrifices of Veterans:
Veterans make profound sacrifices for our nation. They endure the physical and emotional toll of warfare, bearing witness to its harrowing realities. Many return home with visible injuries, while others carry the hidden scars of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These brave souls spend years away from their families, missing significant life milestones, and experiencing the strain that military service places on personal relationships. By honoring veterans, we recognize and pay homage to these sacrifices.

Preserving Freedom:
Veterans stand as the vanguards of freedom, safeguarding the values and way of life we often take for granted. During times of conflict, they form the front line against tyranny and oppression. Without their unwavering dedication and valor, the freedoms we cherish today would be in jeopardy. By honoring veterans, we convey our gratitude and reassert our commitment to the principles they have defended.

Inspiration for Future Generations:
Veterans serve as inspiring role models for future generations. Their tales of courage, resilience, and patriotism can motivate young people to strive for excellence and make positive contributions to society. When we honor veterans, we also create an opportunity to educate the younger generation about the significance of service and sacrifice. This, in turn, can inspire the next generation of patriots who wish to serve in our armed forces.

Recognition and Gratitude:
Honoring veterans is a means of recognizing their service and expressing our gratitude. It serves as a poignant reminder that their efforts are not forgotten. Veterans have devoted a substantial portion of their lives to serving their country, and acknowledging their contributions is a way of validating their endeavors and sacrifices. This recognition can have a profound impact on veterans’ mental and emotional well-being, helping them feel valued and appreciated.

How to Honor Veterans:
• Attend the Veterans Day Parade in downtown Huntsville on Nov. 11th.
• Volunteer: Offer your time and support to veterans’ organizations, hospitals, or programs.
• Education: Promote awareness and understanding of veterans’ issues and the importance of their service.
• Employment Opportunities: Encourage businesses to hire veterans and provide them with pathways to successful civilian careers (Visit SSV.org for more information).
• Advocacy: Champion policies and legislation that benefit veterans and their families.

Honoring veterans is not just tradition, but a moral imperative. Their unwavering dedication and sacrifices in defense of our freedoms demand our respect and gratitude. By recognizing their service, we ensure their contributions are never forgotten, inspiring future generations to embrace the values of service and patriotism. It is our collective responsibility to support and respect veterans not just on designated days, but every day of the year.

– Over 80% of Still Serving Veterans’ staff are Veterans.

Header Image Details
Top Row L-R:
Moses Nervis
, Staff Sergeant, US Army, Retired
Jaymie Testman, US Marine Corps, Veteran
Sue Nehilla, Commander, US Navy, Retired
Cathy Clausell, US Army & US Air Force, Veteran
Terri Womack, Lt Col, US Air Force, Retired
Dori Pelley, Sergeant First Class, US Army, Retired
Richard ‘Rich’ Landolt, President/CEO, Rear Admiral, US Navy, Retired

Bottom Row L-R:
Julia Chambers
, Master Sergeant, US Army, Retired
Dave Lakin, Chief Petty Officer, US Navy, Retired
William “Bill” Koch, GySgt, US Marine Corps, Retired
Reginald “Reggie” Gooden, Command Sergeant Major, US Army, Retired
Kristyn Garstka, US Air Force, Veteran
Jim King, Senior Chief Petty Officer, US Navy, Retired
Kate McCray, Major, US Army, Retired

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