Tips for Surviving the Showing Madness!

By Darin Windham
Keyfinders Group

Picture this: Your house hits the market and within just a few hours you have back-to-back showings lined up for the next 2 days. Welcome to the showing madness! This is the result of the demand created with the help of your listing agent.

Here are a few things I advise my sellers to do in preparation of and during the busy showing days.

Deep Cleaning: This is a very important step. Make sure everything sparkles, from the hardwood floors and crystal-clear windows to the kitchen countertops and toilets. And don’t forget the smaller details either, such as taking out all the trash, doing a final dusting of the fireplace mantle, and making sure all toiletries are tucked away in the medicine cabinet.

Remove Clutter: It can be difficult to set up your home like you’re a professional home stager, especially if you have pets and/or young children. But removing clutter is an absolute necessity before showings. Be sure to fluff your throw pillows, fold and store blankets, and make sure all shoes are stored neatly in closets. And speaking of closets, don’t just simply throw and hide everything in there! Prospective buyers will most certainly open closets because they want to see how much space a home offers!

Checklist: Make a checklist of all the things you want to have ready before you leave the house (lights turned on, music playing, swimming pool staged, etc.) Go through that checklist the weekend before your house hits the market. That way you already know everything you must do in advance. On the day that the showings start, you’ll be able to quickly run through the list, so your home looks its best.

Your Agent: Have a Real Estate Agent who can manage the madness. I can provide all the information about the home in MLS and in brochures that buyers can take, and I can field questions from buyers and their agents. I can also request feedback from each showing and will organize any offers that come in. But most importantly, I will pull all the pieces together while you enjoy your day.

Stay-Cation: Plan a mini staycation and book a hotel or plan to stay with family for the day your house hits the market and the following day. That way you can get your house prepped and ready without worrying about going back and forth with the kids, the pets, and all the other things that are important to you.

Are you a homeowner preparing to sell your home?
The real estate market in our area is tough and challenging right now, and it can be stressful as well. I am here to help you survive the showing madness!

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