Huntsville Decorating Center

By Bob DruckmanPublisher, South Huntsville NeighborsEstablished in 1977, Huntsville Decorating Center is a 2nd generation business. The decorating team led by Terry Campbell and his son-in-law Ralph Atwater, has the most experienced staff in mixing paint, stains and caulking. After 46 years and counting, you know they are doing it right.They are dealers of Benjamin … Continue reading Huntsville Decorating Center

Huntsville Decorating Center

By Bob DruckmanPublisherSouth Huntsville NeighborsEstablished in 1977, Huntsville Decorating Center is a second generation business. The decorating team led by Terry Campbell and his son-in-law Ralph Atwater, has the most experienced staff in mixing paint, stains and caulking. After 45 years and counting, you know they are doing it right.They are dealers of Benjamin Moore … Continue reading Huntsville Decorating Center