Meet Clay Wiginton- Sales Manager Mercedes-Benz Of Huntsville

By Bob Druckman
Publisher of South Huntsville Neighbors

Clay Wiginton is the new Sales Manager at Mercedes-Benz of Huntsville. Clay is a native of Falkner MS and has lived in Huntsville since 2001. He has been in automotive sales since 2003 progressing rapidly into management positions. His wife Kristen is a realtor with Redstone Family Realty. Married for 21 years, they have 2 boys Tyler (16) and Connor (11).

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Clay to talk about Mercedes-Benz.

What does the Mercedes Star mean to you?
Mercedes-Benz reminds me of shopping for fine clothing. There is a claim of luxury but it’s really all about quality. People think of Mercedes as a luxury, but it’s really about the quality. The Star always reminds me that the quality in a Mercedes is second to none.

What is your approach with clients? After all you get to meet all of them?
I see people as people. I enjoy taking to everyone. I have found customers to be fantastic and receptive to me. I am totally down to earth and I can relate to everyone.

I am the same to everyone that I meet. I like to keep people relaxed and treat all those that I meet with respect.

Training is such a large part of what you do. How do you go about training and teaching your staff?
My primary focus is to keep it simple. Don’t over complicate the process and it’s ok to make a mistake. It’s the only way to learn. We have to make each customer feel welcome and we have to be relatable. Even today, I still get invitations to functions from customers I worked with years ago. I always stress to have the customer as a friend.

What would you like people to know about Mercedes-Benz of Huntsville?
It’s easy to come in and do business with us. We are friendly and knowledgeable. We are a true team and most of all, we are genuine.

We want to epitomize the Mercedes-Benz motto. “The Best Or Nothing “

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