Community and Family, Meet the Powers

Todd Powers and his family are totally focused on doing good things for the community. They never let their busy personal and professional schedules get in the way of making sure that they are out there for all of us.

Here is their story.

Tell Us About Your Family

Our family is built on a foundation of resilience and self-sufficiency. Shannon and I have been married for 17 years and are parents to two wonderful children: Jack (12) and Hank (8), both students at Randolph School. We are a dyed in the wool Alfa Insurance Family: Shannon is an IT Analyst and I am an Agent. In addition to our professional commitments, we prioritize family time and community engagement.
Sports, especially basketball and baseball, are integral to our family life. We also share a deep appreciation for live music and make it a point to attend concerts whenever we can, thanks to the vibrant scene at the Orion Amphitheater.

Giving back to our community is essential to us. We actively volunteer for city recreation leagues, school committees, and various community organizations, believing that contributing positively enriches our lives.

Balancing work, family, and community involvement is our constant goal. Together, we cherish the moments we spend together, creating lasting bonds and making meaningful contributions to the community.

How Did You And Your Wife Meet?

Shannon and I crossed paths during our time at Auburn University, a meeting that holds a bit of a two-sided narrative. I was on the extended 5 ½-year academic journey, while she pursued the more focused 4-year plan. Our introduction occurred at a social gathering when we were both 19. We dated for a few months, but here’s where our recollections diverge. I recall attempting to reach out with numerous calls, while Shannon insists that I lost interest, leaving her “heartbroken.” The truth likely falls somewhere in between.

Years later, in 2005, I was working as a teacher in Huntsville, while Shannon had established herself as an IT Professional at Alfa Insurance in Montgomery. Back in the MySpace era of social media, amidst flashy graphics and loud music coded in questionable HTML, I stumbled upon a long-lost contact: Shannon. Coincidentally, she was planning a visit to Huntsville, so I took the chance and reached out. We met for dinner, and that weekend marked the rekindling of our connection. Subsequently, weekends were split between Huntsville and Montgomery.

After six months of back-and-forth drives, I decided to propose during Easter Weekend. With an Easter basket filled with reasonably priced wine, overpriced cheese, and a ring, I popped the question. To this day, it’s considered the most romantic gesture, and maybe the only one, I’ve pulled off in our 17 years together. Following the proposal, we celebrated at Tim’s Cajun Kitchen, indulging in platters of crawfish while watching an unexpected snowfall. There were quite a few jokes about certain places freezing over. Our wedding took place later that year in October.

What Are The Family’s Favorite Vacation Spots?

Our family’s top vacation spots bounce between a couple of favored destinations. Colorado holds the primary spot, particularly Breckenridge and Beaver Creek. As a latecomer to skiing, I’ve learned to fall down the slopes with a mix of style and occasional grace, while the boys zoom down the hills. Shannon appreciates the associated amenities. One standout trip was our visit to the Telluride Bluegrass festival a couple of summers back. Whenever possible, we catch our favorite bands at Red Rocks.

A strong contender for our favorite spot is the Alabama Gulf Coast. We enjoy lazy days on the beach and evenings indulging in the local fried cuisine. Our itinerary often includes a fishing excursion and exploring the area’s tourist attractions. Currently, our kitchen hosts two hermit crabs from one of our Gulf Coast adventures. We’re a unique family that finds equal joy in both mountain landscapes and coastal retreats.

You Have Had A Very Interesting Career. Tell Us About It

My journey began at Madison County High School as a World History Teacher, where being tagged as a “World History Teacher” basically meant coaching on the side. Initially lined up to coach golf, plans shifted gears when the principal urgently sought a soccer coach, eyeing me for the role. I took on the challenge, earning certifications from US Soccer and the National Soccer Coaches Association, coaching high school soccer for a solid 5-year stretch.

Living in Gurley brought an unexpected twist. A knock on my door led to an invitation to join the town council. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself serving on the Gurley Town Council for a rewarding six years, learning heaps and contributing to the community.

In 2012, I transitioned from teaching to becoming Lynn Fanning Elementary School’s assistant principal, dedicating 9.5 years to the role. Amidst my educational pursuits, I discovered a passion for photography, which evolved from a hobby into a side gig. I found myself capturing moments at concerts for various publications and dipping my toes into political consulting, successfully managing a few campaigns in Madison and Jackson Counties.

After 16 ½ years in public education and wearing multiple hats, I craved a new challenge. In January 2022, I joined Alfa Insurance as an agent at the Huntington Center Office in South Huntsville.

Tell Us About The Hobbies / Church Affiliations/Volunteer Work That You And Your Family Participate In

We’re a family deeply involved in a variety of pursuits. We attend religious services at The Church of the Nativity Episcopal in Downtown Huntsville. On my end, coaching takes up a good chunk of time—I’m involved with coaching travel and recreational flag football, baseball, and basketball teams. Additionally, I hold the role of Director of Basketball for the Huntsville International League. I’m also an active member of the South Huntsville Main Business Association and an alumnus of the Leadership Huntsville/Madison County Connect Program.

Shannon dedicates her time to volunteering for Randolph’s Under the Christmas Tree Event and serves as a leader with the Cub Scouts. Our eldest, Jack, is a multitasker—he’s a Boy Scout, a member of the chess club, and plays the clarinet in the band. Hank, our younger one, is a Bear Cub Scout, part of the chess club, and has an unusual passion for making his own pasta. Both boys share an enthusiasm for flag football, baseball, and basketball, keeping us all on our toes with their varied interests.

How Would You Describe A Perfect Day For You And Your Family?

Our ideal day might not fit the conventional image of perfection, but it’s perfect for us. It usually starts with a productive day at school and work, followed by some athletic activity that keeps us active and engaged. There’s bound to be a healthy disagreement here and there – it’s all part of the lively conversations we have.

The highlight of our day is dinner at Baumhower’s. It’s not about the glamour; it’s about the shared experience. We gather, discuss our triumphs and hurdles, and most importantly, spend quality time together. Watching our kids grow and sharing our stories and perspectives makes these moments truly special.

The Biggest Influence Your Lives?

Faith stands as the cornerstone of our lives, shaping our perspectives and guiding our decisions. Yet, alongside this, our parents stand as pillars of unwavering support, providing invaluable guidance and encouragement at every step. Their steadfast belief in us has been a driving force, instilling values and offering wisdom that continues to resonate profoundly.

Moreover, the journey has been enriched by exceptional educators and mentors who have crossed our paths. Their influence has been transformative, imparting not just knowledge but also the guidance necessary to navigate life’s complexities. Their dedication and mentorship have left lasting imprints on our paths, shaping our aspirations, and fostering our growth.

Gratitude fills our hearts for these influential figures that have played pivotal roles in our lives. Their support, guidance, and shared wisdom have not only influenced but also molded us into the individuals we are today. Their impact is immeasurable, and we carry their teachings and support as an integral part of our journey, forever grateful for their presence in our lives.

Living and working in South Huntsville is a genuine privilege. Being part of this community and the larger Huntsville/Madison County area is something I deeply appreciate. As an insurance agent here, I’m thankful for the opportunity to protect and support the aspirations of the people and families in this vibrant space. My agency isn’t just a business—it’s a commitment to ensuring our clients’ peace of mind. If there’s ever a way we can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m grateful for the chance to contribute to this incredible community, a place I proudly call home.

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