Meet Emili Bundy, Sales Consultant Mercedes-Benz of Huntsville!

By Bob Druckman – Publisher
South Huntsville Neighbors

After 22 years in Denver, CO Emili has come to fall in love with Huntsville! She has had a varied career; she owned a very successful hair salon for 30 years, (more on that later) and was also a flight attendant for the last 5 years. She made her way to Huntsville to be closer to family. 

“I was looking at options and a girlfriend of mine is a finance manager for a Mercedes-Benz dealership, she knows me well and knew I would be a great fit here!”

What does the Mercedes –Benz Star mean to you?

Luxury, success, the best things in life!  The Mercedes star represents a love of cars, dream car, mine is the G Wagon!

Why the G Wagon?

I am both a city girl and a country girl and the G Wagon is by far the safest and coolest vehicle on the road! It’s rugged which fits my tomboy personality and luxurious that it fits my girlie personality. In 2004 I actually gifted one. I’m a big movie fan and read that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston each had matching G Wagons, so I had to also have one! 

So you are big movie fan, what are your favorites?

Yes I am! Mostly Rom-Com’s, some of my favorites are “How to Lose a Guy in 10 days,” “Top Gun/Maverick” & “Clueless.” I have a 15 year old son so the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is always on point! 

What is your view of working with clients?

I spent several years owning a hair salon. Believe it or not, I think there is a similar relationship between having your dream car and dream hair! The client in either situation wants everything to be perfect, and how people feel, is everything! 

What would you like the readers of South Huntsville Neighbors to know about you?

It’s really more about how I can best serve and help others. I always want to know the clients story and how I can help them get into their dream car, foster new relationships & continue to work together as long as possible! 

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