The Internal Benefits of Music and the Arts

By Mario Maitland
Maitland Conservatory

Often times we think of the Arts as a merely a hobby or something that only yields superficial or auditory benefits. However, what we sometimes fail to realize is that the benefits of participating in the Arts go beyond just the most obvious reasons. Let me share a story with you…

Once upon a time there was a fourth grader who was the typical young boy. He wanted to play football and basketball and even went as far as to pick out the middle and high school that he wanted to play for. One day, a gentleman comes in offering after school violin lessons. Now, this young man wasn’t sure why but his interest was piqued when the older man began to play the violin. He was curious about the instrument but also knew that backlash that he would probably suffer if a boy was seen playing the violin! He mustered up his courage and began taking class violin lessons.

As time went on he also picked up the piano and developed a passion and love for it, but what also soon developed was his desire to be accepted, and wanted by friends and of course, girls. As he began middle and high school he found himself being made fun of for his musical interests, braces and the way that he dressed. As you can imagine this took a toll on the young man, and he even contemplated giving up everything just to fit in, after all what middle schooler doesn’t want to be well liked or have a girlfriend? He was teased for his “musical nerdiness” which drove him further into self-inflicted doubt about his direction in life until one day he sat down at the piano and began to “play out” his emotions.

This young man’s favorite composer was Chopin and he loved playing his “Minute Waltz” and Nocturne in Eminor because they almost emulated exactly what he was feeling. As he played, classmates would walk by the practice room and stare in amazement and soon even girls would ask him to play for them! This newly formed freedom while playing did something for the young man. Here was something that no one could take from him. Here was something that he could be confident in. His ability to not only play but to also release his emotions through the music he was creating empowered him and gave him a sense of self worth and acceptance. This young man soon went on to major in piano performance, win piano competitions, write music for film and television, produce and tour with major artists and eventually open the doors of the Maitland Conservatory.

You see, music and the Arts do so much more than just create an enjoyable experience. The Arts can literally shape the way someone feels about themselves. They can find a sense of self worth, they can find their confidence, and even more importantly they can find their PURPOSE. If it wasn’t for music and the Arts and that fourth grade experience Maitland Conservatory would probably not exist today.

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